
Monday, April 25, 2011

What is mental health - mental health questionnaire - child mental health

What is mental health

What is mental health

What is Mental health is not merely the absence of mental disorders. Is defined as a welfare state where every individual realizes his own potential, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to contribute to their community.

In most countries, mental health services including low-and middle-income countries, health is extremely short of resources - both human and financial. Among the resources available for health care, most are now dedicated to specialized care and care of persons with mental illness, and to a lesser extent an integrated system of mental health. Instead of providing care in large psychiatric hospitals, countries should integrate mental health into primary health care, mental health care in general hospitals and develop community mental health services.

Mental health questionnaire

The second Meditation Seminar, which will be on meditation and mental health will be held in London fourth and May 5, 2011. In anticipation of this, we would like to invite all meditators - who wants to do - to make your contribution by completing and returning the enclosed questionnaire. (The course content will be anonymous and confidential.) Our concern is being able to show those who meditate with a spiritual approach to meditation. We do not compete with the major secular, but we want to provide important insights that go beyond the physical and psychological benefits that are also spiritual benefits for the practice of meditation.

I think the questionnaire is of interest to cover at least I found it! Its ten or fifteen minutes on this will be a real contribution to our clarity of thought on this issue and help us all see more clearly how the spiritual and the secular can work together in a modern society. Thanks for taking the time to be part of meditation - the influence of our community - in this way.

Child mental health

Mental health of children may be more difficult to identify, but you can learn to recognize the symptoms. Beware of anger, excessive fear, sadness or anxiety. Sudden changes in your child's behavior may signal a problem. So too can conduct the exercise, or damaging or destroying things.

Some common psychiatric problems in children are

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Conduct disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Mental health problems can interfere with daily life at home, school or community. Without help, mental health problems can lead to school failure, abuse of alcohol or other drugs, family discord, violence and even suicide. However, help is available. Tell your health care provider if you are concerned about your child's behavior.


  1. One of the most common reasons of mental illness are an inferiority complex, a negative body image, and intense feelings of self-hate, anger, disgust, and uselessness, which could mutate into extreme depression, psycho-social disorders, or eating disorders.

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